St Columba’s Catholic Primary School

For girls and boys | Pre‑kindergarten to Year 6 | Outside school hours care

South Perth | Western Australia



Choosing a primary school for your child is an important decision and we are here to help and support you through the process. Get in touch if you have any questions – we are here to help!

The best way for you to see all that St Columba’s has to offer your child is to book a visit – we would love to show you around.

Book a visit →

Required documentation

Documentation is required for both the child and parents, and must be submitted with the application. We are unable to progress applications until all documents have been received and the application fee paid.


Not born
in Australia

Any child, parent or carer not born in Australia must provide a copy of their passport or Australian Citizenship Certificate.

Not an
Australian citizen

Any child, parent or carer who is not an Australian citizen must also provide a copy of their visa.


Where applicable, provide Baptism, Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation certificates, and Parish Reference.


  • Health Care Card

  • Custodial Order

  • Two latest school reports

Apply now online

Submit the online Enrolment Application form, as well as the Student Information Pre-Interview form, along with the required documents. Then call the office to pay the $50 application fee.

We are unable to progress applications to an interview until both online forms are submitted with the required documentation, and the application fee paid.

Policy and fees

Please read our Enrolment Policy, School Fees and Collection Policy before you apply. You will be asked to confirm you have read these documents during the application process.

Enrolment information

Find out more about St Columa’s enrolment process by clicking the relevant topics listed below. If you have any questions, please get in touch – we are here to help!

If you don’t know our school, we recommend booking a visit before you begin the application process so you can make an informed decision about enrolling your child.

Meet our teachers, the children and see our excellent facilities and campus. You must book in advance.

Scheduled Day Visit Duration
Mondays and Thursdays at 10 am or 11.30 am 30 minutes

In Western Australia, children who were born between January and June start Kindergarten the year in which they turn four years old, while children born between July and December will start the following year.

Our Kindergarten positions are advertised two years ahead and families are encouraged to apply when their child is two years of age, or younger.

Children can begin Pre-Kindy when they turn three years old. Offers for Pre-Kindy are made after a child is accepted for Kindergarten.

Siblings of students already enrolled in the school are required to submit an application for enrolment.

Use the calculator in the section below to check your child’s Kindergarten start date.

At times, positions become available in other year groups – please get in touch and we will provide you with more information. We welcome new families to our school and do our best to accommodate all siblings in a family.

Once we have received your enrolment application, we will get in touch to arrange a suitable date for an interview with the School Principal.

Where possible, interviews include the parent(s) and the prospective student(s). If your family hasn’t visited the school before, we include a tour. Due to strong demand, interviews for Kindergarten enrolment applications are usually conducted two years prior to enrolment. Interviews for places in other years are scheduled on demand.

Date Interview Tour
We will be in touch to arrange a date. 30 minutes 30 minutes

A letter will be sent to offer your child a position if one is available.

To secure your place, you must accept the offer in writing and pay the enrolment deposit.

How to pay the enrolment deposit

The non-refundable enrolment deposit of $150 can be paid via EFTPOS at the office or over the phone. This is deducted from the first years’ school fees.

Change of circumstances before starting

Please notify us of any change to your contact details, such as your phone number, email or address. If your circumstances change and you no longer require the position, please let us know so that we can offer the position to a family on our waiting list.

Kindy calculator

Use the calculator to check your dates. In Western Australia, children who were born between January and June start Kindergarten the year in which they turn four years old, while children born between July and December will start the following year.

Parents are encouraged to apply for enrolment two years before their children are due to start Kindergarten. Applying early means a better chance of securing a place and also makes you eligible to apply for our Pre-Kindy programme.